A place to celebrate and bring to life your creativity an imagination!
Welcome to the website of the Lápiztería, drawing workshop.
This workshop is divided into four different aspects, namely:
1. The sale of drawings arising from the fantasy of the man responsible for this website, me, Chiel van den Boomen. In the galleries you can see which of my works are for sale and what the prices are.
2. Carrying out commissions, both for individuals and companies. The price of a particular work is agreed upon in mutual consultation. An indication can be given by consulting the prices of the works already put up for sale.
3. Teach fun courses for both beginners and advanced students. The courses are divided into sessions of two hours each. Here you will learn about the use of materials, good color combinations, how to achieve a beautiful composition, etc.
4. Work independently in the workshop with the materials and knowledge available on site. Not so much a course as a workshop. Courses and work in a more independent way can easily overlap. There is no price difference, the participant must decide for himself what is best for him.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact me.